Association of Charitable Organisations

A day of mixed benevolence

The Association of Charitable Organisations (ACO) is the united voice of the benevolence sector.

Definition’s charity PR team was appointed to develop a national PR campaign to raise the profile of the ACO and its members by highlighting their work nationally through media and digital channels, as well as targeting key front-line advice charities (e.g. Citizens Advice, Turn2Us, Age UK) along with influencers.

To increase awareness of the ACO’s work, Definition created a day of action (One Day Changes Lives), encouraging all ACO members to come together on 22 January to highlight the work they do on just one day of the year – whether financial aid, practical assistance, employment support or health and wellbeing.


  • More than 80 million opportunities to see or hear about the ACO generated
  • 60 media hits
  • Generated more than one month’s worth of impressions on social media in just one day

Definition secured more than 60 pieces of coverage publicising the campaign in just one week and the campaign generated more than one month’s worth of impressions on social media in just one day.

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