B2B SEO audit services

A B2B SEO audit is like a full-body checkup for your website. It helps you to identify areas of strength and weakness to ensure your brand’s digital shopfront is at peak health, giving it the best possible chance of performing well on search engines.

But a truly great SEO audit service not only tells you what stuff needs to be fixed; it highlights the opportunities to get ahead of your competition and create real business value.

This is what sets Definition apart as an SEO audit agency – we tell you exactly what your company needs to do to achieve organic lead gen success and, if you like what you hear, our experienced B2B SEO team can implement it for you!

Keep scrolling to learn what goes into Definition’s SEO audit service, check out some of our amazing SEO case studies, or contact us today for a no obligation chat.

Start your B2B SEO audit

Are B2B SEO audits worth it?

Yes – because we know that there is no silver bullet when it comes to SEO. If another agency tells you that one single thing will ‘fix’ your SEO, they’re most likely wrong. A Google style graph, trending upwards to show the success of an SEO audit.

That’s why our SEO audit service is completely comprehensive, addressing a huge range of on-site, off-site and technical factors. The best part is that, at the end, you’ll have a board-ready SEO strategy ready to implement.

Get your SEO audit

What’s included in your B2B SEO audit service?

A review of over 100 on-site, off-site and technical factors to ensure you’re set up from to rank as high in the search engine results pages as possible. We’ll look at everything from duplicate content and canonicalization issues to metadata checks, to Core Web Vitals. You’ll receive a full report which provides full details on the findings and categorises our recommendations into high, medium and low priority fixes – so you know how best to tackle them going forward.

A review of key search terms to power your content and website strategy, to ensure you’re reaching prospects at every stage of the sales funnel. We’ll make recommendations on keyword targets based on search volume, search engine competition and user intent (i.e., keywords your target audiences are searching for when they’re ready to get in touch!).

Recommendations regarding which keywords should be used on which pages on your website, and whether any new pages or subdirectories are required. We present this as a visual representation of your ideal website page structure, designed to increase keyword rankings, organic traffic, and leads. The directory structure plan effectively acts as a top-level overview of the content you need to create and/or optimise as part of your SEO strategy.

A review of the suitability of your on-site SEO content based on the keyword research and the recommended directory structure plan. We’ll analyse your keywords, figure out which part of the sales funnel they’re related to, and then create a suggested content production plan.

A good understanding of your inbound link profile (and your competitors’) is crucial for building authority and increasing keyword rankings, traffic and leads. As part of your B2B SEO audit, we’ll analysis of all third-party links pointing at your domain and suggest ways they can be maximised to best support SEO efforts. This all includes determining whether you need to build more links to your website using digital PR and other tactics.

Most B2B SEO audits result in a bland, rather generic-looking PDF report with minimal strategic insight that’s relevant to your company. With Definition’s SEO audit experts, you get the opposite. We take the results of all the above exercises and develop a bespoke 12-month strategy in which we outline the most important on-page, off-site, and technical actions required to make SEO progress. It’s then your choice whether to implement the strategy yourself, or have us do it for you.

The first in which we present the results of our research, auditing and strategy suggestions. And the second where you come back with as many questions as you need, once you’ve had a chance to digest.

“Working with the team has resulted in our desktop keyword and mobile rankings smashing previous records; we’ve never had as many keywords ranking in the top five – the result of this is our organic leads have hit a record high and our cost per acquisition has dropped 117% to an all-time record low. The team takes an ethical content-led approach to search marketing and we’re delighted with the results.”

Stavros Vichos, Marketing Manager, Access Self Storage

“The team’s PR-led SEO strategy resulted in record high keyword rankings and increases in organic traffic and organic leads. We’d highly recommend them.”

Rory Forbes, Chief Growth Officer, Compleat Software

“The team devised a multi-channel marketing strategy for us designed to increase our inbound lead gen. We’re now reaping the benefits with a solid stream of good leads coming through the website on a monthly basis. The team’s impressive ability to quickly get to grips with complex tech subjects is matched in equal measure by the team’s SEO, PPC and PR know-how. They’re a trusted and valuable extension of our team.”

Francis Miers, Director, Automation Consultants

Keep scrolling for more info on our SEO audits, or fill out the form to reach us.

You can also, drop us a line on comms@thisisdefinition.com

Signs you need an SEO audit agency

If your brand’s website isn’t appearing on the first few pages of Google for the keywords that drive your business, it’s a clear sign that your SEO needs some TLC. Poor visibility in the search results means you’re missing out on valuable organic traffic and potential leads. Our comprehensive SEO audit can diagnose the issues holding you back and provide a roadmap to improve those all-important keyword rankings.

Your website is a powerful lead generation tool, but only if it’s optimised for search engines. If you’re not seeing a steady stream of leads coming through your site, it could be due to a variety of SEO issues, such as poor keyword targeting, lack of quality content, or technical problems. An SEO audit agency can pinpoint the bottlenecks and recommend strategies to drive more qualified traffic to your site.

If your website’s search engine rankings and organic traffic have taken an unexpected nosedive, it’s a clear sign that something has gone wrong with your SEO. An audit can help identify the cause, whether it’s technical issues resulting from a recent migration, a penalty from Google, or a change in the search engine algorithms. With this knowledge, you can take corrective action and regain your lost ground.

Search engines favour websites with fresh, relevant, and well-structured content. If your site’s content is stale, poorly written, or organised in a confusing manner, it’s likely hurting your SEO performance. An SEO audit agency can evaluate the quality and organisation of your content, and provide recommendations for improvements that will enhance user experience and search engine visibility.

User experience and technical performance are crucial factors in SEO. If your website has problems with crawlability and indexability, slow loading times, or other technical problems, it can negatively impact your search engine rankings. An SEO audit will analyse your site’s user engagement metrics and technical health, identifying any issues that need to be addressed to improve overall performance.

Example SEO audit factors

These are some of the specific factors we examine within each of these three categories during our in-depth website review:

On-page factors

– Keyword optimisation

– Content quality and relevance – is your content helpful, reliable and people-first?

– Header tags and meta data

– On-page EEAT signals

– Image optimisation

– Internal linking structure

– Call-to-action placement

– User experience and engagement

– Readability and formatting

Off-page factors

– Backlink profile analysis

– Competitor backlink analysis

– Brand mentions and citations

– Off-page EEAT signals

Technical factors

– Site speed and performance

– Mobile-friendliness

– Crawlability and indexability

– URL structure and architecture

– Server response codes (e.g., 404s, 301s)

– Redirects and canonical tags

– Sitemaps (HTML and XML)

– SSL/HTTPS implementation

– Structured data/schema markup

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Kick of your SEO audit


We offer a single SEO audit package at the cost of £10,000 + VAT. If you have a smaller website and would like to discuss a reduced cost SEO audit, get in touch with our team for a no-obligation chat.

The SEO audit includes:

  • In-depth website review and prioritised recommendations (100+ different factors).
  • Keyword research and a written summary of the findings.
  • Directory structure planning (including a visual directory structure map with keyword recommendations).
  • A full audit of your existing website content and its suitability for SEO.
  • Inbound link analysis.
  • A full 12-month SEO strategy tailored to your unique business needs.
  • Two consultancy sessions with our SEO experts.

Our SEO audit typically takes 50-60 hours and can be delivered within six weeks.

We don’t provide a numerical “SEO audit score” because we believe SEO success can’t be boiled down to a single metric. SEO is an ongoing process, and there’s no such thing as “perfect” SEO. If you’re experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, such as poor rankings, low traffic, or technical website problems, then the chances are you could benefit from working with an SEO audit company – no score needed to identify those pain points.