B2B SEO training

We help companies take advantage of the huge organic click through rates associated with ranking at the top of Google’s search engine results pages. Companies that engage us for training enjoy more marketing qualified and sales qualified leads, reduce their reliance on paid traffic and increase their organic brand awareness.

Take a look at the types of corporate SEO training we offer below or contact us today to find out more about our B2B SEO services.

Let's talk SEO training

Our corporate SEO training clients

Our B2B SEO training courses

Don’t know your title links from your snippets? Your canonicals from your hreflang tags? Your directory structures from your keyword research? What is all this SEO stuff anyway? We will educate your team on the basics and equip them with a roadmap for B2B SEO enlightenment.

You’ll leave with:

  • An understanding of B2B SEO!
  • Five things to do in the next six months to put B2B SEO foundations in place!
  • Five things to do in months six to 12 to build on that success!

So you understand how valuable organic traffic is, now you just need to generate some of it… We’ll show you how to plan content, what needs to be considered in production, how to measure its effectiveness and put a structure in place for continued optimisation.

You’ll leave with:

  • How to identify your most ‘important’ content
  • The things to work out before writing any landing page
  • A content strategy template

Arguably the best SEO software ever made, and it’s free! While Google Analytics continues to suffer from cookie tracking issues, Search Console reigns supreme, reporting on data from Google, not your website, making it an invaluable source of intelligence. We’ll show you what to look out for and how to weave it into your B2B SEO strategy.

You’ll leave with:

  • Five things you need to check in Search Console on a weekly basis
  • How to use Search Console to measure your brand awareness
  • How to use Search Console to refine your SEO content strategy

What is it, why is it important, and how to measure and exploit yours!

Google encourages its Quality Raters (the human beings Google uses to A/B test the search results) to assess a company’s experience, expertise and authority (check out Google’s guidelines here for more detail). We’ll give you the background on EEAT along with some techniques and tactics you can deploy to improve how trustworthy your brand is in the eyes of the search giant.

You’ll leave with:

  • How to ‘measure’ your EEAT
  • Guidance on maximising your team’s industry experience
  • Five things you can do to improve EEAT

Basics to advanced

Good SEO starts with an understanding of the types of keywords your prospects are searching for at different stages of the sales funnel. We’ll show you how to uncover these, the questions to ask, the spreadsheet formulas to use and the free tools you can use to establish whether or not they’re worth pursuing.

You’ll leave with:

  • Questions you need to ask to generate keywords
  • The spreadsheet formulas and templates you need to generate your keyword lists
  • The tools you need to assess keyword suitability and choose which ones to target

Building offsite trust signals is important. It’s a key element of positioning your brand as a ‘trusted’ authority. Our media relations experts will train your team on the who, what, when, where and why of media outreach, including tips from journalists at top-tier publications, giving your team the tools they need to generate brand mentions and links in top-tier titles.

You’ll leave with:

  • Three email pitch templates (news, thought leadership and proactive commentary)
  • Ten media contacts to target relevant to your organisation
  • Three thought leadership themes (bespoke to your brand) to develop

Our B2B SEO team starts work a month before your training session and conducts the following exercises:

  • Keyword research with recommendations on keyword targets based on search volume, search engine competition and user intent (i.e. keywords users are searching for when looking for your solutions/products)
  • Technical website audit – a review of over 100 factors to ensure optimal SEO performance
  • Inbound link review – an analysis of all third-party links pointing at your domain and ways they can be maximised to best support SEO efforts
  • Directory structure planning – recommendations regards which keywords should be used on which pages on your website, and whether any new pages/subdirectories are required
  • Content audit – a review of the suitability of the onsite content based on the keyword research
  • Strategy development – results of the above exercises will be used to develop a 12-month strategy in which we prioritise the most important actions required to make B2B SEO progress, before reviewing it with you in the training session

You’ll leave with:

  • A comprehensive, bespoke report containing results of the exercises
  • A full 12-month B2B SEO roadmap with signposted exercises
  • A date for a follow-up one-hour consultancy session, giving you the opportunity to digest the research and come back with questions!

Every B2B SEO strategy is bespoke and we can tailor training to your specific needs. Get in touch to discuss your requirements.

You’ll leave with:

  • Whatever you want!
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