We’ve got extensive experience working with publications focusing on legal news and insights. We even have a specialist legal PR team.

This expertise is crucial because legal matters constantly evolve. New legislation, landmark court cases, and critical legal analysis emerge every day. Understanding and being able to participate in the conversation around these developments effectively is vital for businesses and legal firms. Our media relations team is constantly on the lookout for stories, trends and new angles that legal journalists might be interested in.

With that in mind, here’s our rundown of the UK’s top legal publications as well as some tips on how to work with them and how to engage their most prominent journalists.

The Lawyer

The Lawyer is an online publication covering all the breaking news, sharing commentary and data on the global legal sector. Something worth remembering is that the team at The Lawyer considers themselves to be business journalists who cover the legal sector – interested in how law firms run themselves, how they deal with their people, and how they approach ethical obligations, just as much as they’re interested in moves, mergers, and specific legal cases.

If you have an interesting data story, it’s worth reaching out to Katy Dowell, editor of Horizon, The Lawyer’s daily data-rich insight newsletter. However, if you’re based outside of London, you want to speak to deputy news editor Jess Boak, who concentrates on firms in the northern regions.

The Law Society Gazette

The Law Society Gazette is a digital magazine by the Law Society of England and Wales. It’s an excellent place to find up-to-the-minute national and international news, opinion, features, and in-depth articles – including news about jobs and appointments.

If you have news to share, it’s worth contacting news editor, Michael Cross, or if you have an opinion piece to share, get in touch with Eduardo Reyes.

Legal Business

As the market-leading ‘glossy’ monthly magazine for the UK and global legal market, Legal Business covers key issues facing commercial law firms – from management to mergers and strategy to speculation. If you’ve got exciting firm news to share, we recommend contacting news reporter Holly McKechnie, while Elisha Juttla may be interested in your city stories.

If you have broader news to share, you can also reach the full newsdesk team at lbdigital@legalbusiness.co.uk, and the team will get back to you (if your story is interesting enough).

The Times Law

The Times Law is a dedicated legal section in The Times newspaper – covering legal news, interesting court cases, and providing an expert analysis of critical legal issues. We know from our conversations with legal editor Jonathan Ames that, while they love a bit of law firm scandal, they’re also looking for hard-hitting news and unique insights from top legal professionals. Jonathan has recently launched The Brief, a weekly email news bulletin that gives a roundup of the biggest stories in law and a taster of the features in the weekly law pages in the paper.

Do you have a legal story or insight you’re eager to share? It’s essential to connect with the right people at these publications. If you need help navigating the legal media landscape or how best to showcase your legal expertise, reach out to our specialist B2B PR team. They spend all day scouring the trade and national press, to help legal professionals and law firms build their reputations and share their insights with the right audience.

Contact us to discuss your needs and see how we can help you out.

Olivia Prole Screen

Written by Olivia Prole, Professional Services Comms Consultant at Definition.